Why do we get offended if we are not invited to a wedding?

Here in London, many weddings take place during school holidays. We've just had an easter break, so a lot of wedding invitations had come our way. So, the other day, mum was on the phone to an aunty talking about how many weddings they need to attend and that it's getting tiring. Then she asked … Continue reading Why do we get offended if we are not invited to a wedding?

Book review: Young Explorers’ Adventures in Makkah.

Book name: Young Explorers' Adventures in Makkah. Author: Abu Zaynah. Recommended audience: I would say ages 7-8 and above. What's it about: This book is about a family making a journey to Makkah for an Umrah trip. It takes you on their journey and is like a fun companion, giving you information on what you … Continue reading Book review: Young Explorers’ Adventures in Makkah.